Consultancy / Codesign

Freyja uses an array of tools to help your team avoid acquiesce to the parameters. We’re stronger together.

Freyja uses an array of tools to help your team avoid acquiesce to the parameters. She believes to solve the greatest issues facing us as a species we must be ready to change the way we think. Meditation, breathwork and olfactory stimulation are among the powerful tools available to help us engage our senses and allow our brains to move differently.

Is your team overwhelmed by the complexity of the problem? Is there repressed fear and grief for our future, especially when engaging with the climate crisis? Are you in need of a dose of colourful, biophilic design optimism? The future is indeed in danger, but it is still being created, by us, now.

“Despair is paralysis. It robs us of agency. It blinds us to our own power and the power of the earth.”

Braiding Sweetgrass, p328, Robin Wall Kimmerer