5 Instagram filters inspired by 5 beautiful tree friends.
Freyja created this set of filters to celebrate 5 beautiful trees being protected right now by 5 incredible guardians from the Guardians Worldwide network:
Dombeya / Wallichii protected by Daniel Kobei Mau Forest Complex, Kenya
Ficus Cyclophylla / Ficus Tree protected by Tawana Cruz, Atlantic Forest, Brazil
Anamei / Bixa Orellana / Bixa Tree protected by Yesica Patiachi, Peruvian Amazon, Peru
Pewen / Araucaria Araucana / Monkey Puzzle Tree protect by Alex Meliñir, Comunidad Quinquen, Chile
Kapok / Ceiba Pentandra protected by Haru and Hayra Kuntanawa, Amazon Forest, Brazil
Designed and built in Freyja’s unique Bioscifi style, each filters contains real textures and images of the trees that inspire them. These filters combine the fun and frivolity of Instagram filters with the soul of the forest and guardianship. Check out and support the guardians by donating to Guardians Worldwide below: