Unified Fields is an experimental creative process where Freyja acted as a conduit to nature, digitizing and uploading Cornish forest and seaside for AiNIN members and other selected artists. She attempted to collect different sensorial aspects of her environment, for example olfactory and tactile documentation, 3D scans, video and sound. During the residency she ran daily live streams and explored different methods of using social media as a tool for remote, interactive connection with nature. In a year when many were unable to leave their homes and travel, Unified Fields provided a window into the wild for those who were unable to make the journey themselves.
Freyja took 3 vows designed to increase her sensitivity to the natural world around her:
No Verbal Communication You can’t solve a problem with the same thinking that got you into it... in an attempt to find new solutions to the problem of our disconnection with nature Freyja hoped to push herself it’s a different state of consciousness. By not talking she created a vacuum to give space to different types of communication.
No Recreational Technology Freyja believes that technology is a tool which does not have to separate us from nature, but instead could be one of our greatest allies in the reconnection of humanity with the more-than-human-world. To make space to consider the best way of doing this she took three weeks off from Netflix, movies, games and music.
No Alarm Clock For 7 million years of evolution we and our ancestors woke and slept by the ‘clock’ of nature. She slept when she was tired, ate when she was hungry and rose with the sun. She sought a different temporal existence, which is not driven by the human invention of minute and hours.