Puca, a mischievous, shapeshifting creature from folklore, takes humans on spiritual journeys of transformation. Embodied as a 3D avatar and performed by a live actor using real-time motion capture, Puca leads the audience on a playful exploration of biophilic virtual environments illuminating hidden facets of the natural world including the myriad ways sex and gender have evolved in nature. Featuring a non-binary character performed by a non-binary actor, the piece aims to gently inspire reflection on our own notions of gender and identity.

Puca unique ‘emotion horns’ extend the human idea of emotion expression, celebrating and exploring the new potential of the digital space. Their mask like face is designed to communicate strong emotions that are clear and visible.

Puca is an ongoing research project with support and funding from the Arts Council and XR Stories.

A non-binary mycelium shape shifter